Back to my battlefield
Are you calling me back to my battlefield my friend?
The one from many years ago
The one I was scared to be on
The one I thought was full of hope
The one I was stupid to step into
The one I did not know anything about
The one I learned all my stuff in life
The one I wish I did not know anything about
The one I was cursing in my sleep
The one I thought was unjust and cruel
The one I kept myself on the edge
Are you calling me back to my battlefield my friend?
The one I saw my friends dying from a distance
The one I was scared to death to be on
The one I met friends and enemies on
The one I was loved on and my heart was cut to bits
The one I discovered my real blood and kin on
The one I was betrayed and I left others
The one I earned everything I have from
The one I was humiliated on and where I triumphed again
The one I felt to the ground to and where I rose again
The one I was In Hell and on the Top of the World
The one I thought there was the end of me
Are you calling me back to my battlefield my friend?
The one I met God on and He opened my eyes
The one I was wounded and healed on
The one I can get on only once in life
The one I went to when I was young
The one I got tired of and I thought I left
The field I never left, but just stepped off for a while
Until The final horn sounds to call us back to our final
The walk that will takes us back in time to the battlefield
Where we were young and scared to be on………..
© Alexander ILIN-Bennett