Sunday, August 7, 2016

40 years since I left Soviet Union

In a few days, there gonna be 40 years since I was last time in Russia and Ukraine.

My family took long "trip" living in Bulgaria, working in Africa, spending couple of years in Italy and settling in USA, where we live for almost 30 years. All those years in the US I live in Salt Lake City, Utah only

 40 years – it’s a lot of time. Countries changed or stopped existing, I had to start my life from zero all over again several  times, including here in the US. Over those years, I meet lots of interesting and good people and lots of scum as well.

Life is an interesting thing!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Utah official snack - Jello

The Jello has unique ability to cleanse the palate nicely and its a low on calories

From left to right :

Mint - perfect after hot foods

Mandarin - orange - not sweet

Cherry - not sweet

Желатиновый снэк - официальный снэк Штата Юта.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Schools are like time machines

Its really sad to see any old school, but it is even more than that when you  see a school about to be demolished. They represent time that is gone forever. Schools are like  time machines, where person can come and relive some memories, stamped in their heads. When they are demolished and this time machine is gone.  To bad and sad. This is not my school.
I watched news yesterday, there were talking about Granite High School  on 500 East and 3300 South, so I took my camera and went to take few pictures, before the building is gone. I like to take pictures of places and things about to be gone. There is real beauty in self-recycling of human creations